

Every month, Vital Speeches of the Day publishes a selection of speeches that represent the best of contemporary American thinking.

This 84-year-old publication deserves its solid reputation for sharing smart ideas and insights without embellishment, exegesis, or partisanship. Just the words – delivered by leaders of institutions and organizations through the medium of paper and pixels.

Not surprisingly, Vital Speeches makes an impact.

It lands on the desks of top executives and politicians around the world. Smart leaders know they must stay attuned to what the sharpest minds are thinking and saying.

This is especially true in the age of the echo chamber, when our discourse has become so polarized and fragmented we seldom listen to one another.

Democracy is based on the assumption of equal voice. Everyone comes together to express ideas, solve conflicts, and affirm values with open and reasoned debate.

That’s why it’s critical that the voices of women leaders be equally represented in the public square. That’s why I’m disappointed that the December 2018 issue of Vital Speeches features ten speeches by distinguished men – and none by women.

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To be clear, I’m a huge fan of Vital Speeches. I’m proud that a number of speeches I’ve written for clients over the years have appeared in its pages.

I’m proud that the editor, David Murray, is a valued and respected friend and colleague.

That’s why I’m calling on you to help Murray and his team at Vital Speeches create greater gender balance each month.

You can submit transcripts of outstanding speeches delivered by women leaders to Murray at: Remember, they must be recent speeches, delivered in the previous month or so. And not just video links – transcripts.

If the speech you submit is not a good candidate for Vital Speeches of the Day, it may be better suited to Vital Speeches International, which publishes speeches by influential leaders from around the world. The link above works for both publications.

Let’s make sure women’s voices are equally heard.


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