

Jessica Bennett in the New York Times has shared a terrific list of diverse sources of expertise. If you believe we don’t hear from enough women in our public conversation, you should check it out.

If you’re a reporter or editor, a TV news producer or booker, a podcast host, the editor of an arts, humanities or sciences journal, or the organizer of a conference or panel of experts, this list is for you.

With the individuals on these lists as sources, the gatekeepers of our public opinion forums won’t have to rely on “the usual suspects” to inform their views, construct their arguments, and shape our understanding of important issues.

Here’s the list:

Request a Scientist (scientists)

Women Also Know Stuff (political scientists)

Diverse Sources (science and environment experts)

Foreign Policy Interrupted (foreign policy experts)

SheSource (general)

Columbia Journalism Review’s database (women, non binary and people of color)

SourceList (tech policy experts)


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